- Y. Nemirovsky and G. Bahir, Passivation of HgCdTe Surfaces, J. Vac. Sci., Vol. A7, No. 2, pp. 450-459, 1989.
- Y. Nemirovsky, Passivation with II-VI Compounds,J. Vac. Sci. Technol., Vol. A(8), pp. 1185-1187, 1990.
- E. Finkman and Y. Nemirovsky, Infrared Optical Absorption of Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Appl. Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 4536-4561, 1979..
- Y. Nemirovsky and E. Finkman, Anodic Oxide Films on Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 126, pp. 768-770, 1979.
- Y. Nemirovsky and I. Kidron, The Interface Between Hg1-xCdx and its Native Oxide, Solid State Electronics, Vol. 22, pp. 831-837, 1979.
- Y. Nemirovsky and E. Finkman, Intrinsic Carrier-Concentration of Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Appl. Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 8107-8111, 1979.
- S. Margalit, Y. Nemirovsky and I. Rotstein, Electrical Properties of Ion Implanted Layers in Hg0-79Cd0-21Te, J. Appl. Physics, Vol. 50, pp. 6386-6389, 1979.
- S. Margalit and Y. Nemirovsky, Diffusion of Indium in Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Electrochem. Soc., pp. 1530-1534, 1980.
- Y. Nemirovsky, S. Margalit and I. Kidron, N-Channel Insulated-Gate Field-Effect Transistors in Hg1-xCdxTe with x=0.215, Appl. Phys. Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 466-468, 1980.
- Y. Nemirovsky and R. Goshen, Plasma Anodization of Hg1-xCdxTe, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 37, No. 9, pp. 813-815, 1980.
- E. Finkman and Y. Nemirovsky, Two-Electron Conduction in Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 1052-1058, 1982.
- Y. Nemirovsky, S. Margalit, E. Finkman, J. Shacham-Diamand and I. Kidron, Growth and Properties of Hg1-xCdxTe Epitaxial Layers, J. of Electronic Materials, Vol. 11, pp. 133-153, 1982.
- Y. Nemirovsky, R. Goshen and I. Kidron, The Interface of Plasma Anodized Hg1-xCdxTe, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 4888-4895, 1982.
- G. Bahir, R. Kalish and Y. Nemirovsky, Electrical Properties of Donor and Acceptor Implanted Layers in Hg1-xCdxTe Following CW CO2 Laser Annealing, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 41, No. 11, pp. 1057-1059, 1982.
- Y. Nemirovsky and L. Burstein, Anodic Sulfide Films on HgCdTe, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 44, pp. 443-444, 1984.
- Y. Nemirovsky and A. Kepten, Open-Tube Vapor Transport Epitaxy of Hg1-xCdxTe, J. of Electronic Materials, Vol. 13, pp. 1-29, 1984.
- Y. Nemirovsky, L. Burstein and I. Kidron, The Interface of p-Hg1-xCdxTe Passivated with Native Sulfides, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 58, pp. 366-373, June 1985.
- E. Sand, D. Levy and Y. Nemirovsky, A Combination of Vapor Phase and Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Hg1-xCdxTe, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 501-503, 1985.
- E. Sand and Y. Nemirovsky, Calibration Curve for Cut Off Wavelength of Photodiodes in Hg1-xCdxTe Epilayers, Infrared Physics, Vol. 25, pp. 591-594, 1985.
- E. Finkman and Y. Nemirovsky, Electrical Properties of Shallow Levels in p-Type HgCdTe, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 59, pp. 1205-1212, 1986.
- Y. Nemirovsky, R. Adar, A. Kornfeld and I. Kidron, Gate-Controlled Hg1-xCdxTe Photodiodes Passivated with Native Sulfides, J. Vacuum Sci. and Technology, Vol A4, No. 4, pp. 1986-1991, 1986.
- Y. Nemirovsky and I. Bloom, Tunneling Currents in Reverse Biased HgCdTe Photodiodes,Infrared Physics, Vol. 27, pp. 143-151, 1987.
- R. Adar, Y. Nemirovsky and I. Kidron, Bulk Tunneling Contribution to the Reverse Breakdown Characteristics of InSb Gate Controlled Diodes,
Solid State Electronics, Vol. 30, pp. 1289-1293, 1987. - I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Bulk Levels and Interface Calculations for Narrow Band-Gap Semiconductors, Solid State Electronics, Vol. 31, pp. 17-25, 1988.
- Y. Nemirovsky and D. Rosenfeld,
The Cut-Off Wavelength and Minority-Carrier Life-Time in Implanted n+-on-Bulk p HgCdTe Photodiodes, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 63, pp. 2435-2439, 1988. - Y. Nemirovsky and I. Bloom, Admittance Measurements in p-type HgCdTe, J. Vac. Sci., Vol. A(4), pp. 2710-2715, 1988.
- D. Lubzens, D. Rosenfeld and Y. Nemirovsky, The NETD Performance of HgCdTe Photodiode Array, Infrared Physics, Vol. 28, pp. 417-423, 1988.
- R. Adar, I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Slow Trapping Measurements in the InSb-Anodic Oxide Interface, Solid State Electronics, Vol. 32, pp. 111-118, 1989.
- Y. Nemirovsky, D. Rosenfeld, R. Adar and A. Kornfeld, Tunneling and Dark Currents in HgCdTe Photodiodes, J. Vac. Sci., Vol. A7(2), pp. 528-535, 1989.
- Y. Hait and Y. Nemirovsky, Comparison of NETD Performance of Staring and Partial-Scanning Infrared Focal Plane Arrays, Infrared Physics, Vol. 29, pp. 971-984, 1989.
- R. Fastow and Y. Nemirovsky, Excess Carrier Life-Time and Undoped p-Type HgCdTe by Photoconductive Decay, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 66, pp. 1705-1710, 1989.
- R. Fastow and Y. Nemirovsky, The Transient and Steady-State Excess Carrier Lifetime in p-Type HgCdTe, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 55, pp. 1882-1884, 1989.
- Y. Hait and Y. Nemirovsky, A Modified and Systematic Approach to NETD Calculation for Infra Red Focal Plane Arrays, Infrared Physics, Vol. 30, pp. 71-83, 1990.
- R. Adar, I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Combined Technique for Capacitance and Slow Trapping Characterization, Solid State Electronics, Vol. 33, pp. 1197-1206, 1990.
- R. Fastow and Y. Nemirovsky, The Excess Carrier Lifetime in p-type HgCdTe, Vac. Sci. Technol., Vol. A, No. 8, pp. 1245-1250, 1990.
- Y. Nemirovsky and D. Rosenfeld, Passivation and 1/f Noise Phenomena in HgCdTe Photodiodes, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., Vol. A(8), pp. 1159-1166, 1990.
- N. Amir, D. Fekete and Y. Nemirovsky, A Model for the Determination of the Solid Composition of Ternary III-V and II-VI MOCVD Epilayers, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 68, pp. 871-873, 1990.
- R. Fastow, D. Goren and Y. Nemirovsky, Shockley-Read Recombination and Trapping in p-type HgCdTe, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 68, pp. 3405-3412, 1990.
- N. Amir, D. Goren, D. Fekete and Y. Nemirovsky, A Model for High Temperature Growth of CdTe by MOCVD, J. Electron Materials, Vol. 20, pp. 227-230, 1990
- I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Quantum Efficiency and Crosstalk of an Improved Backside Illuminated Indium Antimonide Focal Plane Array, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 38, pp. 1792-1796, 1991.
- Y. Nemirovsky, R. Fastow, M. Meyassed and A. Unikovsky, Trapping Effects in HgCdTe, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., Vol. B(9), pp. 1829-1839, 1991.
- Y. Nemirovsky, D. Goren and A. Ruzin, A Model for Low Temperature Growth of CdTe by MOCVD, J. of Electronic Materials, Vol. 20, pp. 609-613, 1991
- M. Meyassed and Y. Nemirovsky, The Measurement and Modeling of HgCdTe Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Devices, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 59, pp. 2439-2441, 1991.
- I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Lifetime Determination of Etch-Thinned InSb Wafers, IEEE Trans. of Electron Devices, Vol. 39, pp. 809-812, 1992.
- D. Goren, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Determination of the Interface Charge between an Epilayer and a Substrate using Capacitance Voltage Measurements, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 71, pp. 318-325, 1992.
- Y. Nemirovsky and A. Unikovsky, Tunneling and 1/f Noise in HgCdTe Photodiodes, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology, Vol. B10(4), pp. 1602-1610, (1992).
- A. Unikovsky and Y. Nemirovsky, Trap Assisted Tunneling in HgCdTe Photodiodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 61, pp. 330332, (1992).
- I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Surface Passivation of Backside Illuminated Indium Antimonide Focal Plane Array, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, 40, pp. 309-314, (1993).
- A. Ruzin and Y. Nemirovsky, Photon Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of HgTe, J. Electronic Materials, 22(3), pp. 281-288, (1993).
- L. Goldmintz, B. Sabbah, Z. Friedman and Y. Nemirovsky, Tunneling and 1/f Noise in HgCdTe Photodiodes, Optical Engineering, 32(5), pp. 952-957, (1993).
- An Analytical Approximation for the Free Electron Density of Hg1-xCdxTe Alloy System for, Tunneling and 1/f Noise in HgCdTe Photodiodes,
J. Appl. Phys., 78(9), pp. 5845-5847, (1995). - Y. Nemirovsky, Passivation of Cd/Zn/Te/Se Compounds, Properties of Narrow Gap Cadmium-Based Compounds, P. Capper editor, pp. 573-574, IEE (EMIS), England (1994).
- Y. Nemirovsky, N. Mainzer and E. Weiss, Passivation of HgCdTe, Properties of Narrow Gap Cadmium-Based Compounds, P. Capper editor, pp. 284-290, IEE (EMIS), England (1994).
- Y. Nemirovsky and R. Fastow, Lifetime in p-type HgCdTe, ibid, pp. 233-238, (1994).
- Y. Nemirovsky and N. Amir, Tunneling and 1/f Noise in HgCdTe Photodiodes, in Narrow-Gap II-VI Compounds for Opto-Electronic and Electro-Magnetic Applications, Ed. P. Capper, Electronic Material Series, Series Editors A.F.W. Willoughby and R. Hull, Chapman & Hall, London, forthcoming, pp. 291-326, (1996).
- D. Goren, L. Dejaloshinsky and Y. Nemirovsky, HgTe Contacts on CdTe, 13th Israeli Vacuum Society Conference, May 4, Tel Aviv University, 1993.
- Y. Nemirovsky and N. Amir, MOCVD CdTe Passivation of HgCdTe, U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1993, Seattle, U.S.A.
- Y. Nemirovsky, N. Amir, D. Goren and G. Asa, The Interface of MOCVD-CdTe/HgCdTe, US Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, October 1994, Texas, U.S.A.
- N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, MOCVD Heterostructure Growth of CdTe (Epilayer) / HgCdTe (Substrate), The 7th Israel Materials Engineering Conference Proceedings, 27-29 November, 1994.
- R. Adar, I. Bloom, Y. Nemirovsky and I. Kidron, Trapping Effects and Interface Characterization of Narrow Bandgap Semiconductors Using Improved Q-C Method, The 15th Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, April 1987, Tel-Aviv.
- Y. Nemirovsky and I. Bloom, Admittance Measurements in p-type HgCdTe, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1987, New Orleans.
- R. Adar, D. Rosenfeld and Y. Nemirovsky, Trapping Effects and Interface Characterization of Narrow Bandgap Semiconductors Using Improved Q-C Method, The 6th Meeting of Optical Engineering in Israel, December 1988, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Y. Nemirovsky, D. Rosenfeld, R. Adar and A. Kornfeld, Tunneling and Dark Currents in HgCdTe Photodiodes, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1988, Orlando.
- D. Rosenfeld and Y. Nemirovsky, Noise Phenomena in HgCdTe Photodiodes, presented at the 16th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, March 1989, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- R. Fastow and Y. Nemirovsky, The Excess Carrier Lifetime of p-type HgCdTe, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1989, San Diego.
- Y. Nemirovsky and D. Rosenfeld, Passivation and 1/f Noise Phenomena in HgCdTe Photodiodes, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1989, San Diego.
- Y. Nemirovsky, Passivation with II-VI Compounds, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1989, San Diego.
- Y. Nemirovsky, Trapping Effects in HgCdTe, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1990, San Francisco.
- I. Bloom and Y. Nemirovsky, Design and Fabrication of Indium Antimonide Focal Plane Array, SPIE, November 1990, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- Y. Nemirovsky and A. Unikovsky, Tunneling and 1/f Noise in HgCdTe Photodiodes, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1991, Dallas.