- Y. Nemirovsky, Statistical Modeling of Charge Collection in Semiconductor Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, Journal of Applied Physics, 85(1), pp. 8-15, (1999).
- Y. Nemirovsky, Statistical Modeling of Pulse Height Spectrum of Gamma Ray Spectrometers Limited by Incomplete Charge Collection, Appl. Phys. Letters, 75(2), pp. 298-300 (1999).
- C.G. Jakobson, G. Asa, S. Bar Lev, Y. Nemirovsky, Low Noise CMOS Readout for CdZnTe Detector Arrays, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 428, (1999) pp. 113-117.
- A. Ruzin, A. Bezinger, Y. Nemirovsky and G. Shairv, X-Ray Detectors and Integrated Electronics for X-Ray Imaging for Astronomy, SPIE, 1971, pp. 266-275, (1992).
- A. Ruzin, A. Bezinger and Y. Nemirovsky, UV Photon Assisted Reduction of Interface Charge between CdTe Substrates and Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition CdTe Epilayers, J. Appl. Phys., 73, pp. 995-997, (1993).
- Y. Nemirovsky, D. Goren and A. Ruzin, The Interface Between CdTe Substrates and CdTe Epilayers, Trends in Vacuum Science & Technology, 1, pp. 183-191, (1993)..
- L. Dejaloshinsky, D. Goren and Y. Nemirovsky, The Band Diagram of HgTe-CdTe Semimetal-Semiconductor Abrupt Heterostructure, J. Appl. Phys., 73(9), pp. 4473-4483, (1993)
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Ruzin and A. Bezinger, UV Photon Assisted Control of Interface between CdTe Substrates and Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition CdTe Epilayers, J. Electron Mat. 22(8), pp. 977-983, (1993).
- Y. Nemirovsky, N. Amir and L. Djaloshinski, MOCVD CdTe Passivation of HgCdTe, J. Electronic Materials, 24(5), pp. 647-654, (1995).
- D. Goren and Y. Nemirovsky, Determination of Interface Properties Between a Depleted Heteroepitaxial Layer and a Substrate from Capacitance Measurements, J. Appl. Phys., 77(1), pp. 244-251, (1995).
- Y. Nemirovsky, N. Amir. D. Goren, G. Asa, E. Weiss and N. Mainzer, The Interface of MOCVD-CdTe/HgCdTe, J. Electronic Materials, 24(9), pp. 1161- 1168, (1995).
- E. Khanin, N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky and E. Gartstein The Effect of Growth Conditions on Crystalline Quality of MOCVD (111)B CdTe Epilayers Characterized by X-Ray Diffraction, Appl. Phys. Lett., 66(21), pp. 2873-2875, (1995).
- G. Asa and Y. Nemirovsky, Properties of MOCVD HgTe contacts on CdTe, J. Appl. Phys., 77(9), pp. 4417-4424, (1995).
- L. Djaloshinski and Y. Nemirovsky, Methodology of Abrupt Heterostructures Band Diagram Calculations, Solid State Electronics, 39(9), pp. 1385-1390, (1996).
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Ruzin, G. Asa and J. Gorelik, Study of Charge Collection Efficiency of CdZnTe Radiation Detectors, J. Electron Materials, 25(8), pp. 1221-1231, (1996).
- R. Sudharsanan, T. Parodos, A. Ruzin, Y. Nemirovsky and N.H. Karam, CdZnTe Photodiode Arrays for Medical Imaging”, J. Electronic Materials, 25(8), pp. 1313-1322, (1996).
- D. Goren, N. Amir, E. Khanin, G. Asa and Y. Nemirovsky,, Single Crystalline CdTe Solar Cells Grown by MOCVD, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 44(4), pp. 341-356, (1996).
- D. Goren, G. Asa and Y. Nemirovsky, Barrier Formation in Graded HgTe/CdTe Heterojunctions, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 80, No. 9, pp. 5083-5088, (1996).
- Y. Nemirovllsky, A. Ruzin, G. Asa and J. Gorelik, Study of Contacts to CdZnTe Radiation Detectors, J. Electronic Materials, 26(6), pp. 756-764, (1997).
- A. Ruzin and Y. Nemirovsky, Statistical Models for Charge Collection Efficiency and Variance in Semiconductor Spectrometers, J. Appl. Phys., 82(9), pp. 2754-2758, (1997).
- N. Amir, S. Stolyarova and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal Process MOCVD of CdTe, J. Crystal Growth, 179, pp. 93-96, (1997).
- A. Ruzin and Y. Nemirovsky, Methodology for Evaluation of Mobility-Lifetime Product by Spectroscopy Measurements in CdZnTe Spectrometers, J. Appl. Phys., 82(4), pp. 4166-4171, (1997).
- A. Ruzin and Y. Nemirovsky, Passivation and Surface Leakage in CdZnTe Spectrometers, Appl. Phys. Lett., 71(15), pp. 2214-2215, (1997).
- V. L. Korchnoi, M. I. Lisiansky, Y. Nemirovsky and R. B. Weil, Study of Stability of Electrical Parameters of MOCVD CdTe Epilayers, J. Physics D., 30(23), pp. 3203-3210, (1997).
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky,, Rapid Thermal Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition of ZnTe, J. Crystal Growth, 186, pp. 55-59, (1998).
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of II-VI Compounds, J. Crystal Growth, 184(158), pp. 144-148, (1998).
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, A. Ruzin, J. Gorelik and R. Sudharsanan, Characterization of Dark Noise in CdZnTe Spectrometers, J. Electronic Materials, 27(6), pp. 807-813, (1998).
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, C.G. Jakobson, A. Ruzin and J. Gorelik, Dark Noise Currents and Energy Resolution of CdZnTe Spectrometers, J. Electronic Materials, 27(6), pp. 800-806, (1998).
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Gordon and D. Goren, Measurement of Band Offsets and Interface Charges by the C-V Matching Method, J. Appl. Phys., 84(2), pp. 1113-1120, (1998).
- M. Levy, N. Amir, E. Khanin, A. Muranevich, Y. Nemirovsky and R. Beserman, Characterization of CdTe substrates and MOCVD Cd1-xZnxTe epilayers by Raman, Photoluminescence and X-ray diffraction techniques, J. Crystal Growth, 187(88), pp. 367-372, (1998).
- D. Goren, G. Asa and Y. Nemirovsky, Photocurrent in CdTe NIP Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 60, pp. 367-377, (2000).
- K. Cohen, R. Beserman, S. Stolyarova, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Valence Band Splitting in Cd_(1-x)Znx Te Epilayers, Thin Solid Films, 336 (1998) pp. 205-207.
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal Processing of Epitaxial II-VI Heterostructures, Journal of Crystal Growth, 198/199, (1999) pp. 1157-1161.
- K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, N. Amir, A. Chack, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, MOCVD Growth of Ordered Cd(1-x) Znx Te Epilayers, Journal of Crystal Growth 198/199, (1999) 1174-1178.
- A. Chack, K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, Y. Nemirovsky, R. Beserman and R. Weil, Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of Ordered CdZnTe Layers Grown by MOCVD, Journal of Crystal Growth, 198/199, (1999) pp. 1179-1183.
- N. Amir, K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, A. Chack, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Long Range Order in CdZnTe Epilayers, J. Phys. D: Applied Physics, 33, (2000), pp. 9-12.
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, J. Gorelik and A. Peyser, Spectroscopic Evaluation of n-Type CdZnTe Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, Electron. Materials, Vol. 29(6), (2000), pp. 691-8.
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, J. Gorelik and A. Peyser, Recent Progress in n-Type CdZnTe Arrays for Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, Nuclear Instrument & Methods, A 458, (2001), pp. 325-333.
- Y. Nemirovsky, M. Iframor and A. Ludwig, The Effect of the Geometrical Parameters on the Electric Field of Pixilated Two-Dimensional Arrays of Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, J. of Applied Physics, vol. 88, no. 1, November (2000), pp. 5388-94.
- M. Ifraimov, A. Ludwig and Y. Nemirovsky, Statistical Modeling of the Spectral Performance of a Two-Dimensional Array of Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 3384, 2002.
- F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, A.Chack, N. Zakharov, P. Werner, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Spontaneous Ordering in Thin Policrystalline CdZnTe Films during Annealing, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 229, No. 1, pp. 141-144 (2002).
- M. Ifraimov, A. Ludwig and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling of the Induced Charge in Semiconductor Gamma-Ray Imaging Array by the Moments Method, Journal of Applied Physics, 91, 9676, 2002.
- M. Dolgin, P. D. Einziger and Y. Nemirovsky, Spectral Method for the Electrostatic Modeling of Semiconductor ?-ray Spectrometer Arrays, Journal of Applied Physics, 93(4):2182-2192, 2003.
- F. Edelman, A. Zeckzer, P. Grau, S. Stolyarova, A. Berner, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Hardening in CdZnTe by Acoustic Wave Treatment, Physica Status Solidi (a) 194, 2002, 30-35.
- N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky, E. Weiss and N. Mainzer, MOCVD Growth of CdTe on HgCdTe, Israel Crystal Growth Association Annual Conference, Rehovot, November, 1993.
- D. Goren, E. Khanin, G. Asa, N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky and A. Bar-Lev, New CdTe Solar Cells, Sixth Sde Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 27-29 November, 1994.
- A. Ruzin, J. Gorelik and Y. Nemirovsky, Mobility-Lifetime Product of CdTe/CdZnTe Crystals from Charge Collection Efficiency of X-Ray Detectors, The 18th Convention of Electrical Engineers in Israel, Tel-Aviv, March 1995.
- D. Goren, E. Khanin, G. Asa, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Single Crystalline Thin Film CdTe Solar Cells, UNESCO-WEC Workshop on the Use of Solar Energy, Tel-Aviv, July-August 1995.
- N. Amir, E. Khanin, D. Goren and Y. Nemirovsky, MOCVD of High Quality Single Crystalline CdTe for Solar Cells, UNESCO-WEC Workshop on the Use of Solar Energy, Tel-Aviv, July-August 1995.
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Ruzin, G. Asa and J. Gorelik, Study of Charge Collection Efficiency in CdZnTe Radiation Detectors, US Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, October 1995, Baltimore (USA).
- S. Stolyarova, A. Simanovskis and Y. Nemirovsky, Degradation Mechanisms and Stability Forecasting for Adhesion Contacts of Metal Films with Binary Dielectric Substrates, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meetings of the Adhesion Society, Murtle Beach, South California, February 18-21, 1996. Thomas C. Ward, Editor, pp. 218-221.
- D. Goren, G. Asa, E. Khanin and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling of CdTe PIN Solar Cells, Seventh Sde Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 18-20 March, 1996.
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Ruzin G. Asa and Y. Gorelik, Study of Contacts to CdZnTe Nuclear Radiation Detectors, The 1996 US Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials, Las Vegas, October (1996).
- A. Ruzin, G. Asa and Y. Nemirovsky, Electronic Noise in CdZnTe Gamma Ray Spectrometers, The Nineteenth Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Jerusalem, November, 1996.
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, RTP-MOCVD of Epitaxial II-VI Semiconductors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors RTP’97, Eds. R.B. Fair, M.L. Green, B. Lojek and R.P.S. Thakur, New Orleans, LA, USA, September 3-5, 1997, pp. 269-275.
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, A. Ruzin, J. Gorelik and R. Sudharsanan, Characterization of Dark Noise in CdZnTe Spectrometers, The 1997 US II-VI Workshop, Santa Barbara, October, 1997.
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, C.G. Jakobson, A. Ruzin and J. Gorelik, Dark Noise Currents and Energy Resolution of CdZnTe Spectrometers, The 1997 US II-VI Workshop, Santa Barbara, October, 1997.
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal MOCVD of II-VI Compounds, the 8th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Grenoble, France, 25-29 August, 1997.
- K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, N. Amir, A. Chack, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, MOCVD Growth of Ordered Cd(1-x)ZnxTe Epilayers, The Twelfth International Conference on Crystal Growth, July 26-31, 1998, Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel.
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal Processing of Epitaxial II-VI Heterostructures, The Twelfth International Conference on Crystal Growth, July 26-31, 1998, Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel.
- A. Chack, K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, Y. Nemirovsky, R. Beserman and R. Weil, Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of Ordered CdZnTe Layers Grown by MOCVD, The Twelfth International Conference on Crystal Growth, July 26-31, 1998, Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel.
- M. Levy, N. Amir, E. Khanin, A. Muranevich, Y. Nemirovsky and R. Beserman, Characterization of CdTe Substrates and MOCVD Cd1-x Znx Te Epilayers, EMRS Spring Meeting`98, Strasbourg, France, June (1998) – Symposium C on “Growth, Characterization and Applications of II-VIs”.
- M. Fiederle, T. Feltgen, T. Kunz, M. Rogalla, J. Meinhardt, Y. Nemirovsky and K.W. Benz, Vapor Phase Grown CdTe X-and Gamma-Ray Detectors, The Tenth International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy, July 26-31, 1998, Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, J. Gorelik and A. Peyser, Recent Progress in n-Type CdZnTe Arrays for Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, European MRS, October 10-16, Vienna (1999).
- Y. Nemirovsky, G. Asa, J. Gorelik and A. Peyser, Spectroscopic Evaluation of n-Type CdZnTe Gamma-Ray Spectrometers, The 1999 US Workshop on II-VI Materials, Las Vegas, September 22-24 (1999).
- A. Chack, R. Beserman, S. Stolyarova, Y. Nemirovsky and R. Weil, New Phonon in Cadmium Zinc Telluride, The 21st IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 11-12, 2000. Proceedings (Cat. No. 00EX377). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA; 2000; 507 pp. p.57-60.
- H.W. Yao, L. Li, F. Lu, R.B. James, J. Erickson, G. Wright, R.W. Olsen, Y. Nemirovsky and J. Buturlia, Radiation Detector Material and Device Studies of CdZnTe Grown by Modified Vertical Bridgman Method and Defect Engineering, SPIE, August, 2000, San Diego, USA.
- Y. Nemirovsky, New Results in CdZnTe Gamma-Ray Spectrometers: Growth, Devices and Modeling, The 2000 U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials, October 30- November 2, 2000, Albuquerque, New Mexico..
- L. Li, F. Lu, W. Yao, R.W. Olson, P. Luke, Y. Nemirovsky, A. Burger, K. Shah and R.B. James, A New Method for Growing Detector-Grade Cadmium Zinc Telluride Crystals, SPIE, San Diego, August, 2000.
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Ruzin and A. Bezinger, UV Photon Assisted Control of Interface between CdTe Substrates and Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition CdTe Epilayers, The U.S. Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of MCT, Oct. 1992, Boston.
- A. Ruzin, A. Bezinger, Y. Nemirovsky and G.Shaviv, X-Ray Detectors and Integrated Electronics for X-Ray Imagery for Astronomy, The 8th Meeting on Optical Engineering in Israel, Tel Aviv, December 1992, to be published in SPIE Proceedings, 1993.
- N. Amir, D. Goren, E. Khanin and Y. Nemirovsky, High Indium Doping of MOCVD CdTe, Israel Crystal Growth Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Jerusalem, November 1995.
- E. Khanin, N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky and E. Gartstein, The Effect of Growth Conditions on Properties of MOCVD (111)B CdTe Epilayers, Israel Crystal Growth Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Jerusalem, November 1994.
- N. Amir, E. Khanin, Y. Nemirovsky N. Mainzer and E. Weiss, The Interface of MOCVD CdTe/HgCdTe: Is It Good?, UK-Israel Symposium on Frontiers in Surface and Interface Science, Ma’ale Hachamisha, Israel, March 1994.
- N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky E. Weiss and N. Mainzer, MOCVD Growth of CdTe on HgCdTe, Israel Crystal Growth Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Rehovot, November 1993.
- N. Amir, S. Stolyarova, Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal MOCVD of II-VI Semiconductors,
- N. Amir, S. Stolyarova, C. Cohen, Y. Nemirovsky, A. Chack, R. Weil, R. Beserman, Growth of ordered CdZnTe, Abstract Book Vol. 18, The 1996 Annual Conf. of the Israeli Association for Crystal Growth, December 3, Jerusalem (1996), p. 18.
- A. Ruzin and Y. Nemirovsky, Performance Study of CdZnTe Spectrometers, Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, May 25-31, 1997, Italy.
- S. Stolyarova, N. Amir and Y. Nemirovsky, Rapid Thermal Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of II-VI Compounds, Abstracts of 8th International Conference on II-VI Compounds (Grenoble, France, August 23-29, 1997, p. 239.
- S. Stolyarova and Y. Nemirovsky, Comparison of Conventional and Rapid Thermal Processing of MOCVD for II-VI Semiconductors, 17th Israel Vacuum Society Conference, December 1997, Tel Aviv.
- K. Cohen, S. Stolyarova, N. Amir, Y. Nemirovsky, A. Chack, R. Beserman, R. Weil, Growth of Cd(1-x)ZnxTe Epilayers on CdTe (100) by MOCVD, 17th Israel Vacuum Society Conference, December 1997, Tel Aviv.
- A. Chack, R. Beserman, S. Stolyarova, Y. Nemirovsky and R. Weil, Unexpected Raman Line in CdZnTe Thin Films, Abstract Book of the Annual Israel Physical Society Meeting, Haifa, 2000, p. 55.
- F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, A.Chack, N. Zakharov, P. Werner, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Spontaneous Ordering in Thin Polycrystalline CdZnTe Films during Annealing, the 10th International Conf. on II-VI Compounds, Sept. 9-14, 2001, Bremen, Germany.
- S. Stolyarova, A. Chack, R. Weil, R. Beserman and Y. Nemirovsky, Surface Preparation of CdZnTe, Abstract Book of the Annual Israel Physical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2001, p. 130.
- F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, A.Chack, N. Zakharov, P. Werner, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Spontaneous Ordering in Polycrystalline Cd1-x Znx Te Films, Abstract Book of the Annual Israel Physical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2001, p. 129.
- A. Chack, F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, R. Weil, Y. Nemirovsky, and R. Beserman, Structure of Cd1-x ZnxTe Grown by MOCVD, Abstract Book of the Annual Israel Physical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2001, p. 37.
- A. Chack, M. Vytrykhivsky, S. Stolyarova, R. Weil, Y. Nemirovsky, and R. Beserman, Characterization of Bulk CdZnTe by Photoluminescences, Abstract Book of the Annual Israel Physical Society Meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2001, p. 38.
- M. Fiederlie, A. Fauler, J. Frac, V. Babentsov, K.W. Benz, S. Stolyarova, Y. Gorelik, Y. Nemirovsky, Growth of CdTe and (Cd, Zn) Te crystals from the vapor phase for spectrometer applications, Workshop on II-VI Detectors, USA, 2001.
- F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, A. Chack, A. Stascuk, A., Berner, N. Zakharov, P. Werner, R. Beserman, R. Weil and Y. Nemirovsky, Microstructure of CdZnTe Films on Glass Grown by MOCVD, 21st Annual Conference of the Israel Vacuum Society (IVS), September 11/12, 2002, Tel Aviv.
- F. Edelman, S. Stolyarova, A. Chack, A. Berner, P. Werner, N.Zakharov, M.Vytrykhivsky, Y.Nemirovsky, R. Beserman, and R. Weil, “Structure of CdZnTe Films on Glass”, J.of Physics D:Applied Physics, 41 065402 (7pp) 2008.