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- A. Bell, Y. Huang, M. Daglish, O. Paul, Y. Nemirovsky and N. Setter, A Thin Film Pyroelectric Detector, I6th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics, March 1994.
- O. Degani, D.J. Seter, E. Socher, S. Kaldor, E. Scher and Y. Nemirovsky, Optically Sensed Cantilever Suspended Micromachined Inertial Sensor, Proc. of AGIL 98, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 25-26 November 1998, p. 40.
- E. Socher, O. Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Integrated Uncooled Micromachined Fair-Infra-Red Thermoelectric Sensors for Thermal Imaging, Proc. of AGIL 98, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 25-26 November 1998, p. 78.
- E. Socher, O. Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Investigation of Integrated Micromachined Uncooled Thermoelectric Sensors for Imaging Applications, Tech. Dig. International Conf. Solid-State Sensors and Actuators Transducers ’99, Sendai, Japan, 7-10 June, 1999, pp. 406-409.
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- E. Socher, O. Bochobza-Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Novel CMOS Compatible Frontside Micromachining of Integrated Thermoelectric Sensors, The 21st IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, April 11-12, 2000, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- E. Socher, O. Bochobza-Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling and Characterization of CMOS Readout Circuits for Monolithic Uncooled IR Thermoelectric Sensors, The 21st IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, April 11-12, 2000, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
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- E. Socher, O. Bochobza-Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Novel Uncooled Thermoelectric IR Sensors and Arrays in CMOS Compatible Technology, Proc. IEEE/LEOS International Conf. on Optical MEMS 2001, 25-28 Sept. 2001, Okinawa, Japan, pp. 117-118.
- E. Socher, Y. Sinai, O. Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling, Design and Characterization of Surface Micromachined Polysilicon Microbolometers, The 22nd IEEE Meeting, 1.12.2002, Tel-Aviv.
- E. Socher, O. Bochobza-Degani, D. Elata and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling Electro-Thermal Instabilities and Run-Away in Thermally Isolated Micromachined Distributed Structures, NanoTec 2003 (MSM’03), San Fransisco, February 23-27, 2003.
- E. Socher, Y. Sinai and Y. Nemirovsky, Low Cost CMOS Compatible bolometers for IR detection, International Conf. Solid-State Sensors and Actuators (Transducers’03), Boston USA, June 2003.
- E. Socher, L. Gitelman, Y. Sinai, A. Shay, Y. Nemirovsky, TMOS Novel Uncooled Sensors – Theory and Practice, IsraMEMS 2005, Technion, June 2005.
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- E. Socher, O. Bochobza-Degani and Y. Nemirovsky, Modeling, Design and Fabrication of Uncooled IR CMOS Compatible Thermoelectronic Sensors, Proc. SPIE Conference Infrared Technology and Applications XXVIII, 7-11 July 2002, Seattle, USA.
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- L. Gitelman, S. Stolyarova, S. Bar-Lev, Z. Gutman, Y. Ochana, and Y. Nemirovsky, “CMOS-SOI-MEMS transistor for uncooled IR Imaging”, IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, 56(9), pp. 1935-1942, 2009.
- Maria Malits, Dan Corcos, Alexander Svetlitza, Danny Elad, and Yael Nemirovsky; “Thermal Performance of CMOS-SOI Transistors from Weak to Strong Inversion”, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, October, pp.1-10, 2012.
- Y. Nemirovsky, A. Svetlitza, I. Brouk, S. Stolyarova, “Nanometric CMOS-SOI-NEMS transistor for uncooled THz sensing”, IEEE Trans. On Electron Devices, vol. 60(5), pp.1575-1583, 2013.
- Svetlitza, A.; Slavenko, M.; Blank, T.; Brouk, I.; Stolyarova, S.; Nemirovsky, Y., “THz Measurements and Calibration Based on a Blackbody Source” , IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol.4, no.3, pp.347-359, May 2014
- A. Svetlitza, T. Blank, S. Stolyarova, I. Brouk, S. Bar-Lev, Y. Nemirovsky, “CMOS-SOI-NEMS Thermal Antenna and Sensor for Uncooled THz Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1260-1265, March 2016.
- A. Svetlitza, T. Blank, S. Stolyarova, I. Brouk, S. Bar-Lev, Y. Nemirovsky, “Modeling of CMOS-SOI-NEMS Thermal Antenna and for Uncooled Passive THz Imaging”, Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 585-588, March 2016.
- Tomer Saraf, Igor Brouk, Sharon Bar-Lev, Aharon Unikovsky, Tanya Blank, Praveen Kumar Radhakrishnan and Yael Nemirovsky “CMOS-SOI-MEMS Uncooled Infrared Security Sensor With Integrated Readout”, the IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society; 4(3):1-7, May 2016.
- M. Malits and Y. Nemirovsky, “Nanometric Integrated Temperature and Thermal Sensors in CMOS-SOI Technology”, Sensors, vol. 17, August 2017.
- A .Zviagintsev, T. Blank, I. Brook, I. Bloom, Y. Nemirovsky, ”Modeling the Performance of Nano Machined CMOS Transistors for Uncooled IR Sensing”, accepted IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017